SASSA Social Grant Dates – When Social Grant Payments will be Credited in 2024?

SASSA Social Grant Dates:- You will get to know regarding the Social Grant Dates 2024- When SASSA Social Grant Payments will be Credited in 2024? South African Government delivers certain scheme to their citizens; these are meant to provide some financial benefits to them. These grants were manage through the South African Social Security Agency for the volunteers who belong to poverty. This grant incorporate various benefits for the citizens, which are bring on the basis of their eligibility. To know more essential particular regarding the Social Grant Dates 2024, what it is, how to apply & more, continue browsing this article.

SASSA social grant dates are crucial for millions of South Africans who rely on these grants for their livelihood. These grants provide financial assistance to vulnerable individuals and families, helping them meet their basic needs and improve their quality of life. The government has implemented a system that ensures the timely distribution of these grants, with specific dates allocated for each type of grant. This helps to streamline the process and ensure that recipients receive their funds without delays. The SASSA social grant dates are widely anticipated by beneficiaries, as they mark a time when much-needed financial support will be available to them.

SASSA Social Grant Dates

The SASSA was accepted in the year 2004 to administrate the Social grants. These are the monthly payments for the subject come under their eligibility criteria. The SASSA authorities deliver various dissimilar types of benefits according to the citizen’s require and wants, which helps them to get over poverty. As per the international monetary collection, these grants cover around 60% of the expenditure for more than 20 per cent of the inhabitants.

These payments are make every year and include old age pensions for the aged human beings, Disability grants, children’s grants and more. In 2024, the Federal Government has to plan out the date for the whole year. The 1st payment will be provided as an Older Person Pension, which will be bring on 3 Jan 2024. The beneficiaries will be given their payment on their provided payment point, which can be as a direct deposit to their account, mobile cash pay, or Post office bough.

SASSA Social Grant Dates

SASSA Social Grant Dates Overview

Organization South African Social Security Agency
Country South Africa
Grants name Social Grants
Year 2024
Grants Implemented by Department of Social Development
Other grants Disability GrantsChild Support GrantsOld Age Pension GrantsSocial Relief Distress
Expected increase in Grants Expected to be 5%
Eligible age 18 to 60 years
Social Grants Payment amount R350 to R2080
Social Grants Payment Increase R510
Previous payment R500 Grant Payment Status 2024 Mode Online
SASSA Social Grant Payment Date 2024 3 January 2024 onwards for the Old Aged people
Category Government Aid
Official Website
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To help individuals having a place with the low pay bunches with handicap, youngsters’ necessities or different prerequisites, the SASSA offers awards to the people residing in South Africa. The Social Award Dates 2024 have been give in the article give underneath and the people will check the dates from the tables reference.

SASSA Social Grant Payments will be Credited in 2024

The award will begin the third of January; On this day, they will receive their first older person grant, and on January 4, the eligible resident will receive their disability grant. On January 5, children will receive their children’s grant.

In the long stretch of Feb, the qualify people will accept their Advanced age award on the second Feb, the handicap award will be give on the fifth of Feb, and the Kids will accept their Youngsters’ Award on 6 Feb. In Spring, the fabulous will be follow through on the fifth of a Blemish on that day, the eligibility of More establish people will accept their advantages, On the sixth feb handicap awards will be conveyed and on the seventh, the kids’ awards.

What is Social Grants?

Social Grants are the South African Government’s policy with a certain amount of income to help them survive through social grants. Through these awards, the Public authority assists with working on the way of life and assists the residents with a more impartial society.  The Social Assistance Act of 2004 governs this grant, which is intended for various groups of people who require financial and health assistance.

Social Awards are made for the individuals who are helpless against neediness these incorporate advanced age individuals, kids, and handicaps. The individual needs to enlist themselves for the advantages through the Public authority. These awards comprise of Kid support, care reliance, elderly individuals awards, inability, social help from Coronavirus and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. This multitude of advantages were conveyed after the singular condition and their qualification.

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SASSA Grant Dates 2024

The SASSA is the South African Agency which gives the advantages to the people having a place with the low pay gatherings. The Awards benefit the ones who are old, youngsters and the ones with the handicap. In a single month, more than 16 million people receive the Grants, which are deposite directly into their bank accounts. People who do not have access to any kind of social support receive the grants. The Awards are of 3 kinds: Kids Awards, Inability Awards and More seasoned People Awards.

SASSA Social Grant Payment Date 2024

You must check the table below to know the dates on the Social Grant Dates 2024.

Month  Older Persons Grants  Disability Grants Children Grants
December 2023 1 December 2023 4 December 2023 5 December 2023
January 2024 3 January 2024 4 January 2024 5 January 2024
February 2024 2 February 2024 5 February 2024 6 February 2024
March 2024 5 March 2024 6 March 2024 7 March 2024

Social Grant Amount 2024

Refer to the table below to know the particular on the SASSA Grants 2024.

Particulars  Amount 
Age limit under 75 years R2080
Seniors age 75 years R2100
Grants for disability R2080
Grants for children R500

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How to Apply for Social Grants?

Before applying, the individual is need to be eligible for these benefits, and  for that, applicants are need to come under these criteria:

  • Candidate should have South African Citizenship
  • They are need to be above the age of 18, and for child benefits, they must be under 18.
  • for old person, they are need to be above the age of 60 years.
  • The applicant has not be give a receipt for any other social grant
  • And for dissimilar grants, the income rates vary according to the benefits.

If an single comes under this criteria, then they are require to follow the following steps for applying.

  • Browse the leading portal of SASSA.
  • Then, on the web page, you will find their benefits program
  • Select any of the programs for which individuals are applying for
  • After that, you are require to fill out the form and require to supply some of the documents for verification.
  • Add complete this process, click on the give in button.

Social Grant 2024 Issues

  • There are certain matter which make the changes in the Social Grant Dates 2024.
  • Incorrect payment amount which one may get has to be right by the SASSA shall not display the Grant Payment Status 2024.
  • In case of the delayed payments, one must wait coolly and this case may be due to public holidays
  • In case you have lost any of your cards, you can contact the SASSA immediately.
  • If the personal or financial circumstances swap one must contact the SASSA immediately
  • The ones who may face strain with the payment method may contact the SASSA immediately.

SASSA Grants Date 2024 Factors

  • There are certain element which may affect the SASSA Grant Dates 2024.
  • If the payment date falls on the Public day, the day when the Banks & the Government offices are close, the Social Grant Dates 2024 are pretentious.
  • The maintenance of the SASSA system may lead to the swap in the payment dates.
  • Unforeseen circumstances like natural disaster, system failure or other emergency may influence the payment dates.
  • One must keep in brain that the payment will come either one day before the due date or a day after the payment date.

Social Grant Eligibility 2024

  • The individual shall be entitle to follow the Social Grant Dates 2024.
  • If the recipient is a single single then their income shall not exceed R52800
  • R105600 or less shall be the combined income for the couples.
  • The old elderly ones shall be of age less than 60 years.
  • The individuals shall be with disorder.
  • Foster children or Veterans of War.


In conclusion, South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) provides social grants to eligible individuals on specific dates each month. These grants are crucial in helping vulnerable individuals and families meet their basic needs and improve their quality of life. The grant payment dates are determined by factors such as the type of grant and the recipient’s ID number. It is important for beneficiaries to be aware of these dates in order to plan and budget accordingly. SASSA regularly updates its website and communicates the grant payment dates through various channels to ensure that beneficiaries have access to this important information. By ensuring that grants are paid on time, SASSA plays a vital role in supporting the well-being and livelihoods of millions of South Africans.

FAQ About SASSA Social Grant Dates

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”From which website can I get the details on the SASSA Social Grant Payment Date 2024?” answer-0=”You can get the details on the SASSA Social Grant Payment Date 2024 through the website ” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”What can be the reason for the change in the SASSA Social Grant Payment Date 2024?” answer-1=”The reason for the change in the SASSA Grant Dates 2024 can be a public holiday or unforeseen situation. ” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”What is the Social Grant 2024?” answer-2=”The Social Grants 2024 is the financial aid which is provided to the people of South Africa living below the poverty line to help them with children’s financial requirements. ” image-2=”” count=”3″ html=”true” css_class=””]

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